Laser Cliché Service

Laser cliché service

Your print job is time-related, you cannot afford any delay or loss of quality. We know that. That’s why Printing International Laser cliché service assures you of the highest quality printing plates and reliable delivery.

Engraving CTP (computer to plate) plates for pad printing is a daily business for Printing International. Dozens a day, from the smallest to the largest formats, with or without perforations, we produce according to your specifications.  Our processes are tightly organised and equipped with quality controls throughout production. A proof is always sent to the customer for inspection.

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Laser cliché service: order flow

  • Request your quote from your direct sales contact at Printing International.
  • Place your order at your direct sales contact of Printing International.
  • You will receive an email with a link to a webpage where you can upload your images and where you have the possibility to download templates.
  • A few minutes after uploading your images, you will receive an e-mail to approve your images.
    • Accepts the approval;
    • If the approval is not accepted, please upload the correct new images or contact your sales contact.
  • If the images are approved, the printing plate will be sent as soon as possible

Request a quota


Please fill in your contact details 

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